Medical plans and benefits
Explore the medical plans and benefits available to PEBB Continuation Coverage subscribers and dependents.
Get a side-by-side comparison of common medical benefits and costs for service.
Non-Medicare plan options
- Kaiser Permanente NW plans. Provides information for Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of the Northwest plans.
- Kaiser Permanente WA plans. Provides information for Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Washington plans.
- Uniform Medical Plan (UMP) plans. Provides information for UMP, administered by Regence BlueShield and ArrayRx.
Medicare plan options (COBRA subscribers)
- Kaiser Permanente NW Senior Advantage with Part D
- Kaiser Permanente WA Medicare Advantage with Part D
- Medicare Supplement Plan F (Closed to new enrollment as of January 1, 2020.)
- Medicare Supplement Plan G
- Uniform Medical Plan (UMP) Classic Medicare with Part D (PDP)
- UnitedHealthcare Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug (MAPD) plans
Tools to help you choose
- Compare medical plans with benefits comparisons.
- Medical plans available by county. Find a plan in the county you live in.
Plan resources
- Benefits and coverage by plan lists the plans' benefits booklets, Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC), and preauthorization criteria.
- Behavioral health services by plan. Find out what behavioral health services are available to you, based on your plan.
- Benefits while traveling. Learn how your benefits work when you travel.
- Health plans with health savings accounts HSAs (non-Medicare subscribers only). Things to consider when choosing a high-deductible health plan.