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The Public Employees Benefits Board (PEBB) Program provides Flexible Spending Arrangement (FSA) and Dependent Care Assistance Program (DCAP) benefits for state agencies and higher education institutions, including community and technical colleges.
Navia Benefits Solutions processes claims and provides customer service for these benefits.
Access FSA and DCAP resources, including forms and documents.
The PEBB Program's Flexible Spending Arrangement (FSA), Limited Purpose FSA (LPFSA), and Dependent Care Assistance Program (DCAP) allow eligible employees to set aside money from their paychecks on a pretax basis to pay for qualified expenses each plan year (January 1-December 31). Eligible employees who waive their PEBB medical coverage can still enroll in an FSA, Limited Purpose FSA and/or DCAP.
For a summary of these benefits, including the $250 FSA CBA contribution for represented employees, IRS maximum contributions, carryover amounts, and deadlines to submit claims and incur expenses, click on each item below.
The FSA (formerly known as Medicare Flexible Spending Arrangement) allows employees to set aside pretax money to spend on eligible out-of-pocket medical expenses, including annual deductibles, copays, coinsurance, dental expenses and vision expenses.
Employees may use FSA funds for themselves and their qualified dependents, even if their dependents are not enrolled in a PEBB medical, dental or vision plan.
The employee decides how much to contribute to their FSA. They may set aside a minimum annual contribution of $120 up to a maximum annual contribution of $3,050 for the 2024 plan year. The maximum annual contribution is $3,200 for the 2025 plan year.
The amount deducted from an employee's pay is the total annual election amount divided by the number of paychecks the employee will receive during the plan year.
The full amount elected is available on the first day of the month the employee's benefits become effective.
The maximum contribution limit is set by the IRS, and the amount is usually announced in late fall after HCA's annual open enrollment begins. Due to the timing of the IRS announcement, HCA adopts the increased maximum contribution limit for the following plan year.
If all the funds in an FSA have not been spent by December 31, and the employee is still eligible to participate, they may be able to take advantage of the carryover feature.
Carryover means certain unspent funds may "carry over" into the following year without affecting annual maximums.
To receive carryover, employees must enroll in a FSA for the following plan year or have at least $120 left in their current year's balance.
Note: The IRS does not announce the next plan year’s carryover limit until late fall of the previous year, after HCA's annual open enrollment begins. Due to the timing of the IRS announcement, HCA will update the new carryover limit amount at that time. The carryover limit will not decrease.
Find real-world carryover examples on the FSAs webpage for public employees.
All eligible FSA expenses must be incurred by the end of the plan year, December 31.
Employees must submit all claims to Navia Benefit Solutions for reimbursement by March 31 of the following plan year.
To learn more, see the FSA Enrollment Guide (2024) (2025) and visit the FSAs webpage for public employees.
The current collective bargaining agreement (CBA) states that represented employees whose rate of pay is $60,000 a year or less on November 1, 2024, are eligible to receive a $250 FSA contribution in January 2025.
For example, if the employee works part-time, they may still be eligible for this contribution if their position would provide a salary of $60,000 or less as full-time. If they earn $30,000 and work 20 hours per week, their full-time salary would be $60,000 and they would still qualify.
The employee or employee’s spouse or state registered domestic partner cannot be enrolled in a consumer-directed health plan with a health savings account and the employee must meet other eligibility criteria as described in the Health Care Coalition Agreement, including PEBB Program eligibility requirements and eligible medical plan enrollment.
Eligible employees receive this employer-paid benefit even if they do not enroll in an FSA. The contribution does not come out of the employee's paycheck.
To learn more about the $250 CBA contribution for represented employees, see the following resources:
This content is prepared for benefit administrators to share about the $250 FSA contribution with employees. A goal for implementing this toolkit is to align how multiple partners (Washington State Health Care Authority’s PEBB Program, unions, and benefits administrators) share about the $250 FSA benefit and ensure common language. Please tailor the materials so they align with your branding or style standards and feel free to use your logo. [Suggestions are included in italics on the toolkit materials.]
The Limited Purpose FSA (LPFSA)allows employees to set aside pretax money to spend on eligible out-of-pocket dental and vision expenses.
The Limited Purpose FSA is intended for employees who are enrolled in a consumer directed health plan (CDHP) with a health savings account (HSA). Enrolling in a LPFSA while in a CDHP plan allows employees to save more of their HSA funds for medical expenses. However, employees can enroll in a LPFSA even if they are not enrolled in a CDHP with an HSA.
Employees may use LPFSA funds for themselves and their qualified dependents, even if their dependents are not enrolled in a PEBB medical, dental or vision plan.
The employee decides how much to contribute to their Limited Purpose FSA. They may set aside a minimum annual contribution of $120 up to a maximum annual contribution of $3,050 for the 2024 plan year. The maximum annual contribution is $3,200 for the 2025 plan year.
The amount deducted from an employee's pay is the total annual election amount divided by the number of paychecks the employee will receive during the plan year.
The full amount elected is available on the first day of the month the employee's benefits become effective.
The maximum contribution limit is set by the IRS, and the amount is usually announced in late fall after HCA's annual open enrollment begins. Due to the timing of the IRS announcement, HCA adopts the increased maximum contribution limit for the following plan year.
If all the funds in a Limited Purpose FSA have not been spent by December 31, and the employee is still eligible to participate, they may be able to take advantage of the carryover feature.
Carryover means certain unspent funds may "carry over" into the following year without affecting annual maximums.
To receive carryover, employees must enroll in a FSA for the following plan year or have at least $120 left in their current year's balance.
Note: The IRS does not announce the next plan year’s carryover limit until late Fall of the previous year, after HCA's annual open enrollment begins. Due to the timing of the IRS announcement, HCA will update the new carryover limit amount at that time. The carryover limit will not decrease.
Find real-world carryover examples on the FSAs webpage for public employees.
All eligible FSA expenses must be incurred by the end of the plan year, December 31.
Employees must submit all claims to Navia Benefit Solutions for reimbursement by March 31 of the following plan year.
To learn more, see the Limited Purpose FSA Enrollment Guide (2024) (2025) and visit the FSAs webpage for public employees.
DCAP is an employer-sponsored benefit that allows employees to set aside money from their paycheck on a pre-tax basis to help pay for qualified child care or elder care expenses while the employee or their spouse attend school full-time, work or look for work. The employee is responsible for providing documentation to the IRS for tax purposes, if requested. Eligible expenses include elder day care, baby sitting, child day care, preschool and registration fees.
The employee decides how much to contribute to their DCAP account. They may set aside a minimum annual contribution of $120 up to a maximum annual contribution of:
DCAP funds are available once they have been deposited each month. Employees may only be reimbursed up to the dollar amount they have in their DCAP account at the time reimbursement is requested.
All eligible DCAP expenses must be incurred by the end of the plan year, December 31 (DCAP has no carryover feature).
Employees must submit all claims for their DCAP account to Navia Benefit Solutions for reimbursement by March 31 of the following year. Any funds remaining in the DCAP account after March 31 cannot be refunded and will be forfeited.
To learn more, see the DCAP Enrollment Guide (2024) (2025) and visit the DCAP webpage for public employees.
Eligible employees of state agencies and higher education institutions, including community and technical colleges, and the State Board of Community and Technical Colleges are eligible to participate in the FSA, Limited Purpose FSA, and DCAP (WAC 182-12-116).
Eligible employees may enroll in and FSA or DCAP or make changes by submitting forms to their payroll or benefits office during the following timeframes (WAC 182-08-199). Employees cannot end participation or change their election amount once the plan year starts unless they end employment, lose eligibility, or experience an event that creates a special open enrollment (SOE).
Newly eligible employees must submit the PEBB Midyear Enrollment form no later than 31-days after becoming eligible for PEBB benefits.
Enrollment begins the first day of the month following the date the form is received by the payroll or benefits office. If that day is the first working day of the month, enrollment begins that day.
These employees should complete the Midyear Enrollment form to participate for the remaining months in the year and/or the Navia Open Enrollment form to begin participation January 1 of the following year.
To enroll an FSA and/or DCAP for the following plan year, employees may use Navia's online portal or complete and submit the Navia Open Enrollment form no later than the last day of annual open enrollment (OE).
Employees must reenroll during annual open enrollment each year to continue participating for the following year. Enrollment does not automatically continue from plan year to plan year.
Outreach & Training will notify BAs in mid-December if they have any employees who elected both a CDHP plan with an HSA and a FSA during annual open enrollment. Employees will have the following options:
Employees have a one-time offer to choose one of the options above before December 31 and cannot make changes after the decision is received by HCA.
If the employee does not make a choice by December 31, they will remain enrolled in the CDHP plan with an HSA and will be disenrolled from the FSA. However, if they qualify for carryover of funds from the previous year, the funds will be transferred to a Limited Purpose FSA.
Employees who are not enrolled in a CDHP plan with an HSA that elect both an FSA and a Limited Purpose FSA during annual OE will be enrolled in the FSA, but will not be enrolled in the LPFSA.
Employees requesting to enroll or make a change due to a qualifying event that creates a special open enrollment (SOE) must complete and submit the PEBB Change in Status form and proof of the event no later than 60 days after the date of the event (PEBB SOE matrix - Policy 45-2A).
If no SOE event has occurred, requests by an employee pertaining to eligibility and/or enrollment changes in a Flexible Spending Arrangement or Dependent Care Assistance Program must go through the employing agency for an initial decision. Requests that require a decision include if the employee can cancel their FSA and/or DCAP, decrease or increase their election amount, or make any other eligibility or enrollment changes to the FSA and/or DCAP.
Requests to make changes outside of OE or an SOE event should be denied by the employing agency, with guidance provided to the employee that they can appeal via the steps in WAC 182-16-2050.
The rules regarding when an employee can enroll or revoke an election and make a new election under the premium payment plan, FSA, LPFSA or DCAP are located in WAC 182-08-199.
An employee who disagrees with an initial decision made by their employing agency can appeal that decision by following the steps outlined in WAC 182-16-2050.
If you have any questions about the appeals process, please contact HCA Appeals Unit at 1-800-351-6827. If you have further questions regarding your employee’s request, you may contact the PEBB Program by sending a secure message to Outreach & Training through HCA Support or call 1-800-700-1555.
Employees who enroll in an FSA or DCAP and later transfer to another state agency or higher-education institution, may continue their enrollment in an FSA or DCAP if:
Learn more by reviewing the FSA and DCAP enrollment guides available on Navia's Forms and Documents webpage.
An employee is no longer eligible to participate in a DCAP account when they lose eligibility for the employer contribution toward PEBB benefits. There are no continuation options available for the DCAP. The employee may be eligible to continue participating in an FSA; see the following section for information.
Navia debit cards will be deactivated by the last day of the month in which an employee loses eligibility. However, the employee may still submit claims for reimbursement after that.
Employees enrolled in an FSA or Limited Purpose FSA who end employment or retire during the plan year must complete and submit the PEBB FSA Termination form to their payroll or benefits office within 30 days of coverage ending.
The form requires that the employee choose one of the following options:
Stop participation: Employee declines to continue participation but retains access to their full election amount.
Continue participation: Employee may continue participation through accelerated contributions or COBRA.
Employees who terminate employment and have unspent DCAP funds may continue to submit claims for eligible expenses as long as the expenses allow them or their spouse/state registered domestic partner to attend school full-time, look for work, or work full-time.
Expenses may be incurred through December 31 of the year the employee terminates employment. Claims may be submitted to Navia, up to the available account balance, through March 31 of the following plan year.
When BAs receive forms, they should verify that the forms have been received within the required timeframes and completed in full, including any necessary documentation such as proof of the qualifying SOE event. An incomplete form may result in missed deductions or the employee may experience problems with accessing their FSA and/or DCAP benefits.
For forms received timely and completed in full:
Each FSA/DCAP employer has specific BAs with access to the PEBB employer portal.
If you need assistance with the upload process, please contact Navia’s dedicated team of Account Managers to help you Monday through Friday 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. (Pacific) at PEBBAdmin@naviabenefits.com or 424-452-3488.
If you are unable to upload documents via the PEBB employer portal, please send the cover sheet and form to Navia Benefit Solutions via.
Benefits administrators use the Navia Employer Portal to securely upload member forms to enroll, change status, or terminate enrollment in an FSA and/or the DCAP. All signed forms must be submitted through the portal, which allows for faster processing times and provides a confirmation email once a form has been successfully uploaded.
Benefit administrators must be given approved access by Navia and HCA before logging into the PEBB employer portal.
Employers must inform Navia’s dedicated BA help team immediately if there is a change in benefit administrator contact information. Navia will then notify HCA of the changes needed.
For instructions on how to register for the portal and upload files:
Can PEBB organizations have more than one BA with access to the portal?
How can BAs transfer access to a new user or remove a current user?
Can multiple forms be submitted at the same time when using the portal?
Will employees still be able to enroll on the Navia website during open enrollment?
What are the other file types in the drop menu on the Send a File page?
Will the PEBB billing still be handled by HCA?
Can BAs see basic employee enrollment information in the portal?
The amount deducted from an employee's pay is the total annual election amount divided by the number of paychecks the employee will receive during the plan year (January 1-December 31).
If an employee enrolls midyear, the amount deducted is the total annual election amount divided by the number of paychecks they will receive for the remainder of the plan year.
When an employee transfers from one PEBB employer to another, and continues their FSA/DCAP, the per-paycheck deductions can increase to meet the annual contribution amounts by the end of the plan year. A transfer is not a qualifying event to change FSA or DCAP elections.
The employer administrative fee for the FSA, collective bargaining agreement (CBA) FSA, Limited Purpose FSA, and DCAP is included in the total funding rate paid to the PEBB Program by the employer for each eligible employee.
The administration of FSA and DCAP benefits is a team effort between the employer, Navia Benefit Solutions, and the Health Care Authority.
State central payroll and higher-education payroll systems will:
Navia Benefit Services for benefits administrators only
Phone: 425-452-3488
Email: Navia Benefits Solutions - PEBB
Navia Benefit Solutions forms submission
Portal: Navia Employer Portal
Navia Benefit Solutions Customer Service for participants
Online: Navia Benefit Solutions
Phone: 425-452-3500
Toll free: 1-800-669-3539